Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Develop Your Personal Brand for 2012

Personal branding is an ongoing process. The goal is to demonstrate your unique value to employers. Here are a few steps you can take to successfully build your brand:
·         Increase Your Visibility. The best way to establish a presence in your field is by attending industry meetings and conferences, participating in panel discussions or volunteering for committees.
·         Stay Connected. It is important to stay in touch with old contacts.
·         Create an Online Presence. Take professional networking to the next level by joining online social networking sites.
·         Establish Key Differentiators. Identify what makes you distinctive from other candidates and make sure to communicate it. By knowing yourself, you can more effectively promote yourself to others.
·         Be Consistent. Ensure that you have a consistent message when speaking with potential employers, colleagues and other professionals.
·         Seek Feedback and Evaluate Progress. Once you have established your personal brand, it is important to continue to gauge how others perceive you.

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