Saturday, March 31, 2012

The best way to remove yourself from sticky situations with your Boss

Discussing your concerns openly is often the quickest and least painful route to resolving workplace issues. The following should help you defuse some classic boss bombs -

Sticky Situation No. 1: You are not a personal assistant, but your boss continually asks you to pick up her dry cleaning.
How to Deal: You might want to discuss the situation in a diplomatic way - Express your desire to become more involved with important, work-related projects.

Sticky Situation No. 2: Your boss frequently loses his temper and yells at you in front of your co-workers.
How to Deal: Discuss your boss' behavior openly with him. Enter this conversation calm and collected. If a discussion with your boss does not lead to change, you'll need to decide if you want to join your co-workers' code of silence or voice your concerns to a supervisor.

Sticky Situation No. 3: You do both your job and your boss' job while your boss kicks back in her office and makes personal calls.
How to Deal: One way to raise awareness of your work is to casually mention your involvement during meetings with senior management.

Sticky Situation No. 4: Your boss hits on you, but you know he would deny his actions if you mentioned they were upsetting you.
How to Deal: Clearly stating that you're in a relationship, this might be enough to get your boss to back down, but if that doesn't work, try explaining to your boss that his behavior has made you uncomfortable. If your boss' conduct continues, you should make a written account of each incident as it occurs, discuss the situation with your boss' supervisor, and consider making a formal complaint with the company.

Sticky Situation No. 5: Your human resources department encourages employees to use their vacation time, but your boss grumbles angrily every time you ask to take time off from work.
How to Deal: Bring this out in the open to clarify what the policies are. Negotiate time off for when you're not needed.

Sticky Situation No. 6: You receive your annual bonus and are distressed to find it's significantly lower than your boss has verbally promised.
How to Deal: There might have been a misunderstanding, so discuss the matter with your boss before jumping to any conclusions.

Sticky Situation No. 7: Your boss makes you uncomfortable by continually soliciting your advice regarding his personal problems.
How to Deal: This is about setting boundaries. Look first at your own actions to make sure you haven't unwittingly implied to your boss that you're an available confidante.

Sticky Situation No. 8: You suspect your boss of unethical and potentially illegal business practices.
How to Deal: This is one situation where you probably don't want to confront your boss directly. Document any evidence you find before informing the company of your boss' actions.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My mistakes are not me

My mistakes are the learning tools that I shall encounter on my life journey. When I learn from my mistakes, I give them meaning. When I give my mistakes meaning, I can begin to forgive myself and begin to heal. I will not use my mistakes as excuses to give up on me; because my mistakes are not me. I shall seek the wisdom to nurture my heart, mind, body, and soul so that I may feel more centered

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Concepts for Marketing and Promoting

People who know and trust you will be more likely to help you. That's why it's important to establish relationships before you market and promote a product and/or service. The relationships have to be meaningful before they have value in a marketing and/or promotional effort.

1. Sign up, observe and educate yourself
2. Participate
3. Share something and grow relationships
4. Ask for help

 Getting yourself noticed and building your network will take some time, so begin today.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who will I allow to write my life’s story

Who will I allow to write my life’s story?
Should I seek the courage to believe in God and His Power.
He will be happy for me in the sunlight and sad for me in the darkness.
I will make a difference on this planet through the work I do -
when I leave I will have done my share.
My goal is to live, love, laugh and learn on my journey.

May we all be so fortunate to put this to practice.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Testimonials to Resume Galore & More…

“Thank you so much for sending me the 3rd edition of “News Around the Table” – it looks great! Through your hard work and the diligence of your staff this (newsletter) edition is clearly a success. It is rare to find a publication that can inform, educate and inspire…you have accomplished this task and more.”
Vernon Jones, DeKalb County, GA
Former CEO 2001 – 20008

Brenda has always provided me with thoughtful and creative marketing materials that has helped separate my business development approach from others in my field. I highly recommend Resumes Galore & More to anyone who’s seeking to get notice in the top percentage, whether it’s employment or new business.                                                                                                                                                       Rick Ellis - Regional Management in Staffing
"Brenda, you have great organizational skills. You are the best in articulating your point of view.  I am so grateful that our paths crossed."
Joann Graham, Statesville, NC Gear-Up Coordinator - Statesville High School                                                                                                              
“Thank You! Ms. Winston; for taking my old resume and adding much needed diversity.  I've received numerous compliments on my resume's professional look and sound.  Excellent job!”
Gladys D. Shy, DeKalb Access Resource Center
Family Team Meeting Facilitator

When you ask Brenda Winston to do a business plan or resume; you better be ready to get started. She’s a perfectionist…She motivated me to get started with my business plan, her drive and persistence pays off.                                                                                                                                                   Carolyn Harris, Brownies by Carolyn - President  
Thank you Ms. Winston for your administrative and organizational skills; your contribution to DICF-CAN Strategy Team is most valuable. Your work continues to help us shape a solid foundation.                                                                                                                                            Mrs. Doris Thomas, DeKalb County Initiative for Children and Families Inc (DICF) - Exective Director