Thursday, March 22, 2012

Zen - Mantras

  1. Zen mind is the beginners’ mind - to look at something with fresh eyes.
  2. Hearing it over and over again allows us to go from where we should be to become who we are. 
  3. The perfectly imperfect. 
  4. The river flows; the mountain remains motionless – neither one can do what the other does. 
  5. Perfection is accepting what’s happening now. 
  6. Practice kindness it will bring you happiness. 
  7. Become aware – Be completely involved with it while it is happening, and then leave it behind when it’s done.  
  8. Be thankful for anyone who’s a problem in your life…they show you where you stand. 
  9. Be watchful of those who only bring praise…they may say what isn’t true and you may start to believe and begin to act differently. 
  10. Watch the grass grow…no matter how many walk on it or storms strike it. That too is your nature…no one can stop you from doing what’s yours to do. 
  11. To escape fear…keep moving. 
  12.  Live life with an open heart. Erase judgement. Live with compassion and practice understanding. Everyone is doing the best they can…if they knew better; they would do better – so be gentle. 

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