Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How Stressed Are You?

Maybe you're tired of 60-hour work weeks. Maybe you've been taking on the work of two people since a co-worker quit. Or maybe your company is undergoing a merger, leaving your job security in limbo. Whatever it is, you're just burned out.

Many workers say they work under a great deal of stress, and they feel burnout on the job. While office stress is common, it can also have dangerous consequences. Here are some indicators.

Low Stress: 
No work environment is entirely stress-free, but you appear to be managing your tension well. Still, be sure to take time for yourself to avoid burnout.
Low-to-Moderate Stress: 
The stress is beginning to catch up with you, but there is hope. Try relieving some of your tension by taking a relaxing vacation, talking to friends and family or just taking some time to yourself each day.
Moderate-to-High Stress: 
You're experiencing significant stress levels, and it may be time for a change. Talk to your employer to see if any adjustments can be made in your job or work/life balance that can ease the strain.
High Stress
High stress levels are harmful both physically and psychologically, so it's important for you to take steps to reduce your workplace tension. Vacations, lifestyle changes or seeking a new position could do the trick, but it may be wise to also speak to a professional who can pinpoint the cause of your stress and identify ways to help you relax.

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