Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 Things Every Employee Should Know:

Many of today's workers, especially those with in-demand skill sets and experience, have a notable advantage when seeking new jobs or promotions. With a large number of baby boomers retiring and smaller generations of replacement workers entering the work force, employment conditions are expected to remain favorable for candidates for the foreseeable future. If you are planning to take advantage of the positive market today or at some point down the road, keep these three things in mind:

1. Your interests.
Give careful consideration to what you love most about your job before you pursue any changes. This will help you make better decisions about the next step in your career.

2. Your strengths and weaknesses.
Conduct an honest assessment of your professional assets and any liabilities that could be standing in your way. Use this assessment to focus your career.
3. Your options.
Before handing in your resignation, be sure you have considered all of your options. There may be opportunities at your current firm that you are not aware of. You may have more leverage than you think in negotiating a new career path or higher compensation at your present firm.

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