Wednesday, March 13, 2013

4- Stages of Marketing and Promoting

Breaking in takes some time, but you can do it. Here are four stages to marketing and promotion.

1. Sign up, observe, and educate yourself. Many people stay at this stage for a long time, simply soaking up good information.

2. Participate. Start to make yourself known. This could be as simple as making status updates, posting photos or sample writing, or creating a profile.

3. Share something and grow relationships. Focus on what you give people or what you can share that's of value.

4. Ask for help. Put your connections to work as a means of soft or hard marketing. Ask your network to spread the word about an upcoming event you're hosting.

People who know you and trust you will be more likely to help you. That's why it's important to establish relationships far before you market and promote a product/service. The relationships have to be meaningful before they have value in a marketing/promotion effort.


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