Sunday, July 21, 2013

Where do we go from here

Let's start leaning forward; and planning ahead. Now that we know the outcome of the Zimmerman Case; we’ve got to decide where should we go from here. We have a divided country with an eroded middle-class. Poverty is bursting around us, yet we are focused on a single case. No doubt Trayvon's Death was a senseless tragedy; but our next move must be to improve conditions for a New America. An America where individuals learn from their past so mistakes won't be repeated. Build on the future: where the young can take their place as leaders. I urge you to learn how with: “Why Not Me”- here’s another excerpt from my book:  “Once you have a goal that requires more than your participation, you have to get others involved. To do so, you must strike a chord with them.  You must believe in what you do and your ability to get it done. You must display a confidence in the project, and a strong desire to see it through.” Get your book today @:

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