Thursday, September 20, 2012

Check Your Attitude Before Your Interview

What’s more important: attitude or skills? HR professionals agree most often the job will go to the candidate who has a positive outlook with the confidence & energy to make things happen. Do you need to adjust your attitude?
 1. You arrive at your interview:
a. One hour early
b. 30 minutes early
c. 10 minutes early
d. At your scheduled time

2. You treat the receptionist as:
a. A confidant to whom you can confess your nerves and insecurity.
b. Someone who is there to make you comfortable.
c. A non-entity who has no bearing on the outcome of your interview.
d. Someone who can influence the hiring decision.

3. When asked why you want to work for the company you say:
a. “I really like the short commute and your casual dress code.”
b. “It’s better than living in a van down by the river.”
c. “I’ve been out of work for nearly a year and need the money.”
d. “You’re a market leader known for having the highest quality products, and I’d like to apply my expertise in helping you reach your goals.”

4. If asked to discuss your current boss whom you dislike, you would:
a. Use the opportunity to vent all of your pent-up hostility.
b. Put a positive spin on your experiences without divulging negative information.
c. Say, “I believe if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
d. Say, “I’ve always preferred to look forward, not rehash the past.”

5. When asked why you left your last job…you:
a. Say your colleagues felt threatened by your superiority.
b. Blame it on George Bush and the economy.
c. Say you are looking for more opportunity to learn and grow.
d. Say they expected way too much from you or didn’t appreciate you.

6. When the interviewer asks if you have questions, you:
a. Ask about benefits, vacation time and salary.
b. Tell them they did such a good job of explaining you can’t think of a thing.
c. Tell them your research was so thorough you know it all.
d. Prepare some questions beforehand that show your knowledge about the company, such as, “How will the proposed merger with Acme Co. affect your brands?”

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