Tuesday, December 31, 2013

How Successful People Win

• They see “The Big Picture” • They are Focused • They use their Creativity • They are Results Driven • They continuously Strategize • They Explore Possibilities • They Reflect on Outcomes • They understand the Benefits of Sharing • They are Unselfish • They rely on the bottom line & they promote it.

Friday, December 27, 2013

How to Gain the Energy to Release your Potential

Make your day a great day Make work fun, it builds energy Include customers and clients in the fun Pay Attention & Be attentive

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Develop Your Personal Brand

Personal branding is an ongoing process. The goal of establishing a strong brand is to differentiate yourself from others. Below are a few steps you need to take to successfully build your brand: • Increase Your Visibility. Get your name out there. Stay Connected. Stay in touch with old contacts while building and maintaining your current network. • Create an Online Presence. Join online social networking sites. • Establish Key Differentiators. Identify what makes you distinctive from others • Be Consistent. Stick to a consistent message. • Seek Feedback and Evaluate Progress. Gauge how others perceive you by gathering constructive feedback from your co-workers, peers, family and friends. Market Yourself Now your brand is established: promote it!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Choose the Habit that transcends your Principle

Principles Embodied in these Habits Habit & Principle Be Proactive and Gain Responsibility/Initiative Begin with the end in mind and Gain Vision/Values Put First things First and Gain Integrity/Execution Think Win-Win and Gain Mutual Respect/Benefit Seek to Understand then to be Understood and Gain Mutual Understanding Synergize and Gain Creative Cooperation Sharpen the Saw and Gain Renewal

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ways To Make Your Cover Letter Better

Your Cover Letter Bad Cover Letter Too long / with too much formality No substance & Empty buzzword Re-write your resume Good Cover Letter It should tell a story It should be short, concise and passionate It should be personal and intriguing (give examples) It should tell why you are interested It should be your elevator pitch (interesting hook)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Good Habits Can Make You Great

I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half the things you do you might just as well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly, correctly. I am easily managed-you might merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done, and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great people; and alas, of all failures as well. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with all the precisions of a machine plus the intelligence of a human being. You may run me for profit or turn me for ruin-it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who Am I? I am Habit -Anonymous

Friday, October 18, 2013

Find your inner strength & never give up

The thing we must realize about life is; it can’t be better until we are better. We can’t get more until we are more. The only thing that can stop our advancement in life is if we are not ready to move. If life is work, run it like a multimillion-dollar corporation and elect yourself Chief Executive Officer.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Things Every Worker Should Know

If you're thinking of making a career move, now is the time. If you are planning to take advantage of the positive job market today or at some point down the road, keep these three things in mind: 1. Your Interests. Give careful consideration to what you love most about your job before you pursue any changes. 2. Your Strengths and Weaknesses. Conduct an honest assessment of your professional assets and any liabilities that could be standing in your way. 3. Your Options. Before handing in your resignation, be sure you have considered all of your options. There may be opportunities at your current firm that you are not aware of. You may have more leverage than you think in negotiating a new career path or higher compensation at your present firm.

Friday, October 4, 2013

How Successful People Win

• Cultivate Big Picture Thinking • Use Focused Thinking • Harness Creativity • Focus on Results • Continuously Strategize • Explore Possibilities • Reflect on outcomes • Understand the Benefit of Sharing • Be Unselfish • Rely on Bottom line & Promote it.

Friday, September 27, 2013

3 ~ Components of Physical Intelligence

PQ - 3 ~ Components of Physical Intelligence 1. Wise Nutrition 2. Consistent Balanced Exercise 3. Proper Rest, Relaxation, Stress Management and Prevention Thinking

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ways to Be a Better Employee

Whether you're vying for a promotion or just want to make a good impression, here are 20 ways to show you are “Dream Team Material” 1. Know the mission. 2. Understand how you'll be evaluated. 3. Be Dependable. 4. Project positive energy. 5. Make your boss look good. 6. Take responsibility for your mistakes. 7. Be organized. Plan your next day before you leave work. 8. Be Punctual 9. Be resourceful. 10. Broaden your horizons. 11. Stay informed. 12. Upgrade your skills and learn new ones. 13. Be courteous. 14. Be Flexible 15. Take care of your health health. 16. Leave your personal life at the door. 17. Go beyond the call of duty. 18. Be a team player. 19. Take a break now and then. 20. Look and act promotable.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Stages of Marketing and Promoting

Breaking in takes some time, so to help make it a more manageable process for you, here are four stages to marketing and promotion. 1. Sign up, observe, and educate yourself. 2. Participate. Make yourself known. 3. Share something and grow relationships. Focus on what you give people or what you can share that's of value. 4. Ask for help. Put your connections to work as a means of marketing. People who know you and trust you will be more likely to help you. That's why it's important to establish relationships far before you market and promote a product or service. The relationships have to be meaningful before they have value in a marketing and/or promotion effort.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Key drivers of job satisfaction

Few people are exactly alike when determining what makes them happy at work, but there are some key drivers of job satisfaction.

Relationships: With manager, With peers, With subordinates

Work/life balance: Location/commute. Travel, Amount of work

Kind of work: Autonomy, Type of Work, Contribution, Job Growth

The company: Values, Leadership, Industry

Financial Considerations: Base Pay, Incentive Pay

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Gain Energy & Release Your Potential

Topic                            How to do it

Choose Attitude            Make your day a great day

Play                              Make work fun – builds energy

Engage Customers        Include your customers in the fun

Be Present                    Pay Attention & Be attentive

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Never Give Up

Some of us give up on life. We move from day to day, with no plan, no goals and ultimately no rewards. We fail to understand that if life is work, the better we do it, the better it will pay us. When we perform our tasks to the very best of our ability we receive just rewards for what we do. When we are thorough in our work and put our best into it, we become better at it. When we become too good for where we are, we will be advanced to our rightful place. The thing we must realize about life is; it can’t be better until we are better. We can’t get more until we are more. So never give up.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Difference between Leadership & Management

Spontaneity, serendipity
Release, Empowerment
Principled-centered Power
Doing the right thing
Doing things Right
Top Line
Bottom Line
On the Systems
In the Systems
“Is the ladder against the right wall?”
Climbing the Ladder Faster

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Four Meeting Types

Meeting Type
Time Required
Keys to Success
Daily Check-in
5 Minutes
Share Daily Schedule & Activities
1.      Stand Up
2.      Keep it Administrative
3.      If someone can’t make-it continue with meeting
Weekly Tactical
45-90 Minutes
Ø  Weekly Activities
Ø  Resolve Obstacles & Issues
1.      Set agenda after initial reports
2.      Postpone strategic issues
Monthly Strategic
2-4 hours
Discuss, Analyze, Brainstorm  & Decide critical issues affecting long-term success
1.      Limit to 1 or 2 topics
2.      Prepare & Research
3.      Engage in good conflict
Quarterly Off-Site Review
1-2 days
Ø  Strategy
Ø  Industry Trends
Ø  Competition
Ø  Key Personnel
Ø  Team Development
1.      Get out of office
2.      Focus on work: Limit Social Activities
3.      Avoid over structure

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Improve Your Interview Skills

The biggest mistake in interviewing is not being fully prepared. Although your resume lands you the interview, it is ultimately the interview that will get you the job. Here’s how you can effectively handle the interview process:

  1. Conduct Research – It’s important to be confident and prepared. Conduct research on companies of interest before applying to a job or showing up for an interview.
  2. Practice Interviewing - Prepare for an interview by running through commonly asked interview questions.
  3. Dress Professionally –When you are on an interview, you are marketing yourself as the best candidate for the job, so it’s important to dress professionally.
  4. Make a Positive First Impression – First impressions are critical. Arrive early, give a firm handshake and make eye contact throughout the interview.
  5. Go Beyond the Canned Response – Behavioral interviewing is an ever-growing interview technique. Rather than merely telling the interviewer what you would do in a situation, demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities by giving specific examples from past work experiences.
  6. Ask Questions – Express interest and willingness to learn about the company by asking questions and listening to details about the organization.
  7. Follow Up - Reinforce to the employer that you bring value to their organization by developing a well-written thank you note..

Be Prepared
Regardless of the position, you should always dress appropriately to show the employer that you take pride in yourself and as a result you take pride in your work.

Once you have refined your personal image; make sure that your Internet appearance is just as professional. So it is important to create a professional online presence.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Where do we go from here

Let's start leaning forward; and planning ahead. Now that we know the outcome of the Zimmerman Case; we’ve got to decide where should we go from here. We have a divided country with an eroded middle-class. Poverty is bursting around us, yet we are focused on a single case. No doubt Trayvon's Death was a senseless tragedy; but our next move must be to improve conditions for a New America. An America where individuals learn from their past so mistakes won't be repeated. Build on the future: where the young can take their place as leaders. I urge you to learn how with: “Why Not Me”- here’s another excerpt from my book:  “Once you have a goal that requires more than your participation, you have to get others involved. To do so, you must strike a chord with them.  You must believe in what you do and your ability to get it done. You must display a confidence in the project, and a strong desire to see it through.” Get your book today @: http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000475782/WHY-NOT-ME.aspx

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Rules to a Good Cover Letter

                         Your Cover Letter

Bad Cover Letter
Good Cover Letter
Too long  / with too much formality
It should tell a story
No substance & Empty buzzword
It should be short, concise and passionate
Re-write your resume
It should be personal and intriguing (give examples)

It should tell why you are interested

It should be your elevator pitch (interesting hook)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Advice for dealing with gossip, favoritism and the office saboteur

Office politics exist in every workplace. But you don't need to be a master manipulator to get ahead; you simply must learn how to navigate murky waters. Here are some tips for handling each situation.

Q: I would like to avoid the office rumor mill, but people always try roping me into gossipy conversations. How should I handle this?
A: Water cooler chatter can be both helpful and harmful. The trick is recognizing when to listen and when to cut and run.

Q: I'm a loyal employee and a hard worker, but my boss plays favorites and always gives the plum assignments to a particular co-worker. What can I do?
A: Before crying foul, make sure you communicate to your supervisor your interest in taking on additional responsibility. Your manager might simply be waiting for you to step up and show initiative.

Q: One of my colleagues seems like she's out to get me. Whenever possible, she does something to make me look bad. How should I respond?
A: If someone's purposely undermining your efforts, you can respond in several ways.

1.       One option is to pull the person aside and ask her about her troubling actions. Focus on the facts and don't let your emotions get the best of you.
2.   No matter what course of action you choose, you can rise above the fray if you remain professional, respectful and diplomatic.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Some key drivers of Job Satisfaction

Few people are exactly alike when determining what makes them happy at work, but there are some key drivers of job satisfaction.

With manager, With peers, With subordinates
Work/life balance
Location/commute. Travel, Amount of work

Kind of work

Autonomy, Type of Work, Contribution & Growth opportunities
The company
Values, Leadership, Industry
Financial considerations
Base Pay, Incentive Pay

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gain Energy & Release Potential

How to do it
Choose Attitude
Make your day a great day
Make work fun – builds energy
Engage Customers
Include customers in the fun
Be Present
Pay Attention & Be attentive

Monday, June 17, 2013

Things Every Worker Should Know

If you're thinking of making a career move, now is the time. Companies nationwide are finding it challenging to fill vacant positions and devoting more resources to employee retention. As a result, many of today's workers, especially those with in-demand skill sets and experience, have a notable advantage when seeking new jobs or promotions.So if you are planning to take advantage of the positive job market, keep these three things in mind:

1. Your interests.
Give careful consideration to what you love most about your job before you pursue any changes. Remember that what motivates you in your job isn't always the same as what you do best. For example, you may be successful at managing project teams but enjoy your work most when you are a hands-on participant.

2. Your strengths and weaknesses.
Conduct an honest assessment of your professional assets and any liabilities that could be standing in your way. Past performance reviews and ongoing comments from supervisors and others in the workplace can give you valuable clues. Also ask colleagues and mentors for their candid feedback.

3. Your options.
Before handing in your resignation, be sure you have considered all of your options. There may be opportunities at your current firm that you are not aware of. It's worth talking to your supervisor about your professional goals and how your company might be able to support them

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Power of Accomplishments

From an employer's point of view, there is no greater predictor of success than past performance. To convince potential employers that you are the best candidate for the job, you must be able to clearly state & sell your accomplishments.

Step 1: Start by writing one-line statements about your experiences
Step 2: Convert each activity into an
accomplishment statement. Begin with an action verb: describe your activities & what you achieved.
Step 3: Make your accomplishment statements as
comprehensive as possible.
Step 4: After you have completed your list, edit the statements to use the most
powerful verbiage and reflect tangible evidence of results.
Step 5: If you are using a
chronological résumé, make sure that you list accomplishment beneath the company where you acquired it.
Step 6: If you are using a
functional résumé, you will need to group related accomplishments together under functional headings
Step 7: Finally,
review your accomplishment statements in the context of your specific job objective; then organize & present the statements in order of their relevance to the potential employer.